What Is Semantic SEO And How To Use It To Boost Your Traffic?

What Is Semantic SEO And How To Use It To Boost Your Traffic?, Safe PBN
What Is Semantic SEO And How To Use It To Boost Your Traffic?, Safe PBN
It has a dramatic impact.

Imagine you’re writing an article about how to use visuals in your marketing. After some research, you’ve concluded that « marketing visuals” is a good phrase. In other words, it aligns with your content strategy (intent), you have sufficient authority (competition), and the SERP isn’t overwhelmed with features (likely CTR).

You write the article and drop the target phrase in your title, header, and body text. All done, right?

Not even close.

The best page on the topic of « marketing visuals” would naturally use other, closely related phrases. Here are some that Google suggests, spotted simply by searching for the phrase and seeing what other queries are suggested.

  • visual content
  • social media
  • importance of
  • types of
  • email marketing
  • marketing campaign
  • Examples, ideas
  • visual branding
  • best practices
  • books
  • awards

Here are some questions spotted in the People Also Ask box:

  • What is visual content marketing?
  • What is visual marketing design?
  • What are visual marketing techniques?
  • What are advertising visuals?
  • What are three types of visual media?

Google clearly has aligned these phrases and questions with the topic. Therefore, a great page on the topic will likely include these phrases. In other words, if the page does not include some of these, it probably isn’t a great page on the topic. I’ll put it more directly:

A page that doesn’t cover some of these subtopics and related phrases, is not optimized for the keyphrase.

Author: James Roche