Why User-Generated Content Matters and How to Get the Most out of It

Why User-Generated Content Matters and How to Get the Most out of It, Safe PBN
Why User-Generated Content Matters and How to Get the Most out of It, Safe PBN

More than 80% of marketers agree that interactive content is highly effective at attracting potential and actual customers’ attention. On top of that, interactive content leads to twice as many conversions as traditional, ”passive » content.

Combining the power of interactive content with UGC is a killer tactic for spreading brand awareness and increasing sales.

People love the sense of adventure and competition, and you can leverage that by hosting a UGC contest – probably the most entertaining and viral-worthy type of interactive online event.

Come up with an engaging concept for the contest, and make UGC its central element.
As a prize, you can offer a free product, a sum of money, a spot in your ad campaign – whatever works for the brand.

National Geographic aced the UGC competition strategy by starting the Wanderlust campaign in 2015. People shared their best travel and nature photos on social media and participated for a week-long photo expedition to Yosemite National Park. This contest gathered hundreds of beautiful shots and helped increase the brand’s publicity.

So don’t be afraid to explore the engaging potential of a UGC contest for your brand. The money you invest in the campaign and the prize will come back, and then some – in the form of conversions, sales, and the brand’s increased visibility.

Author: James Roche