Strategizing Keywords for SEO – Why Not Everything Should Go into Your Blog Posts?

Strategizing Keywords for SEO – Why Not Everything Should Go into Your Blog Posts?, Safe PBN
Strategizing Keywords for SEO – Why Not Everything Should Go into Your Blog Posts?, Safe PBN

When individuals type in a search query into Google or any other search engine, a list of top results appears for them to browse through. There are a variety of factors that influence ranking on search engines, however. Keywords play a tremendous role in ranking sites because they help establish relevance to the search query.

A common mistake made by website owners is ‘stuffing’ keywords. While there is no specific guideline on the number of keywords to include, most experts recommend using one keyword per 100 words of text. Remember, the keyword has to look ‘natural.’ These keywords are highlighted by Google when they match the searcher’s query.

Keyword stuffing can be quite detrimental to your SEO strategy and may ultimately lead to Google removing your website from search results. Besides, keyword stuffing can also ruin the entire visitor experience as it negatively impacts readability and will lead to higher bounce rates.

By using the right keyword research strategy, you can:

Author: James Roche