How to Identify and Fix Duplicate Content Issues

How to Identify and Fix Duplicate Content Issues, Safe PBN
How to Identify and Fix Duplicate Content Issues, Safe PBN

For those who don’t have an understanding of SEO, it’s essential to know why ranking for keywords is a big deal. People often search for content based on search queries. These queries have keywords that Google then detects and uses to determine what results they show you.

When you strategize your content to hit specific keywords, you’ll end up higher on search results, getting you more eyeballs and clicks to your page. Naturally, people will click on the highest results in search. So the higher you go, the more visitors your website, blogs, and other content pieces will get.

Duplicate content prevents this from happening. In effect, that lowers the number of organic visitors you get through search engines. About 93% of all search traffic comes via a search engine, meaning you lose a lot of potential by ranking lower for keywords.

You can track your website’s positions in search results via Serpstat Rank Tracker, learn more about it in the following article:

Author: James Roche