How to Create a Content Strategy in FinTech: Technical Skyscraper + Life-Hacks from Serpstat

How to Create a Content Strategy in FinTech: Technical Skyscraper + Life-Hacks from Serpstat, Safe PBN
How to Create a Content Strategy in FinTech: Technical Skyscraper + Life-Hacks from Serpstat, Safe PBN

Adapting competitor topics to different stages of the user journey. At the stage when the user is not yet familiar with your product, the solution, and they have a problem they want to solve.

For the introduction or familiarity stage, we have to prepare content that solves this problem and responds to the pains and needs of the reader at this stage. These are articles of this type:

  • 10 saving tips for the home budget.
  • What should everyone know when planning a budget?
  • What items of expenditure does everyone forget about?
  • The secrets of budget planning from 10 experts.

When analyzing your competitors, pay attention to the target action of the content for this stage of the funnel. What exactly is expected from the reader: switching to another article on the topic, subscribing to the newsletter, or commenting on the article.

Then we move on to the user stage, where they may have heard something about your product or picks up a ready-made solution (review or evaluation stage). Here, the reader expects to see this kind of content:

  • Making a personal budget: the top 5 apps.
  • How to choose an app for planning expenses.
  • 5 differences between products 1 and 2: which is better?
  • What is leasing and how does it differ from credit?
  • What are the books about finance that are worth reading?

CTAs can be directed to a whitepaper request, registration, etc.

The third stage of our simplified funnel: content that “helps » you make a decision after reading the article (decision stage, conversion). Suitable for warmed-up readers who are already familiar with your product, with a clearly formed need and they are in the process of considering alternatives.

  • How to use the product for expense planning?
  • Top 10 product features you can’t do without
  • Use case: How a member of the target audience did something with the help of a product and achieved results

It’s essential to make sure that every piece of content you create in some way facilitates the site visitor’s tasks and nudges them towards the decision-making stage. The target actions of such content are always “close” to use and purchase. For example, registering, subscribing, etc.

Author: James Roche