How does an SEO department in a digital-agency work?

How does an SEO department in a digital-agency work?, Safe PBN
How does an SEO department in a digital-agency work?, Safe PBN

Our PPC pod is much smaller and generally consists of one to two: the Internet Marketer, and the Director who might keep an eye on things. 

Finally, we have the Social Media pod. This team also consists of a core of three Social Media Managers who all work together, and there is less of a hierarchy there. Our Director, as you know who loves to be involved in things, also sits in that pod as a point of contact or reference to either the social media team or the client.

We typically don’t have account managers, and each of the SEO, PPC, or Social Media teams can be involved in elements of account management work.

I believe that our organizational model makes us more efficient as time isn’t wasted on meaningless tasks and both the communication chain and approval times are minimal. There is a lot of crossover between projects, so we’re usually all on the same wavelength, too. If and when we grow as an agency, then perhaps we may need some elements of a traditional model such as more defined hierarchies, but we are a bit away from that, and I don’t see any downsides to how it is at this moment. 

Author: James Roche