Five Ways to Build Trust With Your Audience via Content Marketing

Five Ways to Build Trust With Your Audience via Content Marketing, Safe PBN
Five Ways to Build Trust With Your Audience via Content Marketing, Safe PBN

Trust is essential to any business relationship, whether you’re a small business or a Fortune 500 company. It’s also a key element of customer loyalty. That’s because trust is a basic human need.

When we trust someone, we feel safe and secure. In business, this translates to customers buying from you more often because they know they can count on you to deliver on your promises. If they trust you, they’ll be more likely to purchase from you, even when they have other options available. In fact, Salsify found that 46% of consumers say they would pay more to buy from brands they trust.

On the other hand, a lack of trust can destroy your business. If customers see you as a brand they cannot trust, they will avoid making purchases with you. According to Adobe, 71% of consumers will stop buying from a brand if trust is broken.

So, if you want to build a loyal following of customers who will return repeatedly, you need to learn how to create engaging content to earn their trust. 

Author: James Roche