Artificial Intelligence and SEO: 5 Best AI Platforms to Watch Out For

Artificial Intelligence and SEO: 5 Best AI Platforms to Watch Out For, Safe PBN
Artificial Intelligence and SEO: 5 Best AI Platforms to Watch Out For, Safe PBN

Oftentimes, many marketers struggle with how to sync their content strategy with the SEO strategy. However, with Frase, you don’t have to choose. Frase is, first and foremost, an AI writing tool, but where it shines is that you get a two-in-one deal: an AI writer paired with an AI on-page optimizer.

To start a project, it’s pretty easy. You need to click « New Document. »From there, a pop-up will ask you for your target keyword and a few other items, like the country you wish to target. What’s great about this aspect is they recommend using long-tail keywords to get the best results. From there, simply click create a document, and you’re ready to get to work.

On the left-hand side, you’ll have your writing area, where you have artificial intelligent assistance to help you when you need some help. The right-hand side is your optimizer view. Within this section, you’ll find headers, keyword suggestions, and questions to answer within your article.

Things to remember is that Google has specifically set ground rules for AI writing. These tools must be used as assistants to help you break that writer’s block, not generate entire posts for you.

Author: James Roche