12 Website Changes to Lower Your Bounce Rate

12 Website Changes to Lower Your Bounce Rate, Safe PBN
12 Website Changes to Lower Your Bounce Rate, Safe PBN

No one likes to get disturbed by annoying popup ads while reading something on a website. A survey found that 73 percent of readers find the popup ads annoying. People will always hate popups. Ethan Zuckerman, who invented popup ads, has publicly apologized by saying, “We ended up creating one of the most hated tools in the advertiser’s toolkit: the popup ad.”

But this doesn’t mean you should completely stop using the popups on your website. This is what can help you convert your site visitors into regular readers, but only if the popups are relevant and do not disturb the user experience. 

With engaging popups, you can also generate high-quality leads that you can convert into customers. But while creating and showing such an ad on your website, there are several factors that you need to consider.

To create engaging popup ads, first, you need a clear purpose for that particular ad. Then considering that purpose and your targeted audience, you can create popup ads of different designs. The color scheme, content, text visibility, CTA line, and what value to provide to the customer are the solid factors affecting the outcomes of your ad.

Another thing you need to take into account is timing. It is crucial to decide when you are going to trigger your popup. To grab the attention, determine the right time for the popup to appear on the site. It should not be too early or too late. You can select a suitable time depending on your website content and message in the popup. 

Author: James Roche